An afternoon of painting

My niece and I planned on ambushing my sister today by making her sit down and do some painting, something she hasn't done for years, but had mentioned she wanted to get back into.  My sister had figured out our plans before the time arrived, and I arrived at their place to find them already seated at the outside table with paints, water pots, brushes, and ideas already there.  I had the forethought to think briefly about something I'd like to paint, but something I was not too invested in.  I grabbed a sheet of canvas paper (not very high quality) off my niece - I had only given the pad of it to her yesterday as part of her birthday present.  Anyway, when doing my sketch of the King of Red Lions yesterday, I thought it would be nice to try a coloured version, so here is the result.  Overall I'm happy with it (especially the water effect, which was the last thing I did, and I did it in a few minutes), but the faces could have been better.


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