2021 Inktober52 Prompt#1: Fresh
It seems I've decided to do Inktober52, which is a sketch a week for the entire year. I considered it, um'd and ah'd a bit, thought it would be great to do the first sketch while I was still off work (I didn't go back until the 5th) and dutifully kept checking the Inktober website for 2021 prompts but.... nothing. Well, it was well into the second week of 2021 before I saw any prompts, and then there were 2 at once!
Anyway, needless to say, I had kind of lost steam by then, but today I decided once I got home from work I would tackle both prompts. I did a very bad one for fresh - 2 apple cucumbers and a mutated lettuce I'd just pulled from the garden, and then began some initial scratches for prompt#2 (you'll just have to wait a day or so for that, though).
Anyway, here's my first (bad) sketch for 2021, and the photo I used for reference...
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