Welcome to my (a)Rtist Ryk blog

Welcome to my third blog, about art: specifically my abysmal attempts at it.  I have pottered about with painting on and off during the past 20 years or more, but haven't done anything for a long time.  A friend of mine did Inktober last year, and had started doing it again this year.  It was already the 8th of October when I was bored and I dragged some sketching supplies out of my wardrobe as a visual reminder to me to get back into painting, and to try sketching again.  I had done one or two sketches in the past, but never considered that I was any good at it; mostly I used it to put an idea on canvas before I painted.

My friend was online and I sent her a photo of my supplies.  I also mentioned I was bored.  She suggested joining her in doing Inktober 2020, so I sat and spent the day drawing, then went to bed and drew some more.  I caught up by drawing images for the first 8 daily prompts, all on the one day, completely out of order (but I will post them here in order).
If you are not aware of Inktober, you are given 31 prompt words, one for each day of the month of October, and you sketch a picture in ink of something you associate with the given prompt.  For me, sketching in ink right off the bat is not a good idea, so I do a pencil one first, then ink over when I'm satisfied with it.  Here are the prompts for Inktober 2020:

I occasionally intend to continue with this blog after Inktober as I make new art.  In a way, it should help me be more productive.  So, come back regularly, or sign up (under the menu at the top) for updates.

In the photo on the homepage you can see an unfinished painting in the tall easel.  It is of a bach I co-owned with my sister and parents (a bach is the New Zealand word for cottage or holiday home, usually near the sea).  We were there one Christmas and I wanted to capture the place on canvas.  Unfortunately, this canvas went into storage unfinished and remained there.  I'm not sure if I have a photo to refer to even if I wanted to finish it now.  Also, that picture did not appear as I expected it to.  Here's the full picture showing art supplies as well.


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