Inktober 2020 prompt#13: dune

This one is going to be hard.  The only definition for dune I can find is a ridge of sand, so I'm guessing that is what most people's drawing will be of today.

But, as soon as I saw the prompt "dune" I knew I had to take a 10 minute walk out through the reserve in front of my house to the beach and find a suitable scene to sketch.  I was going to do it a few days early, but got a little lazy (if doing a sketch before the day it is required can be considered lazy).  I got up today intending on going out and finding the right spot, but it was raining so, instead, I worked on my second idea for the dizzy prompt for some time.  Finally, the rain cleared and I went wandering.  I took some reference photos but decided against sketching the scene "live" as it was a little chilly and the rain threatened again; even a few spots on a sketchpad page would not be ideal.

So, here is the reference photo I used:

And here is my (second totally original, this Inktober) sketch, with a slightly bent tree (and an annoying shadow down the left side where I bent the paper while erasing pencil):


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